These days if you want to know something what do you do? Call your mom? Sometimes. Get out the Encyclopedia Britannia? Never. (and I'm sure my boys would have no clue what that even is!) Ask Alexa? Maybe. Google it? Absolutely.Let's be honest here. How many trendy new diets have you googled? How may diet tips have you googled? How many celebrities have you googled to see what they eat and how they exercise? How many health symptoms have you googled? I'll bet it lots. And I'm not above doing the exact same thing with the exact same topics. I have been right there with you typing into the Google search bar until my fingers are numb.But guess what? Not one of those searches or google answers gave me the magic formula to eat, exercise and think the way I personally needed to eat, exercise and think to have a balanced healthy lifestyle. So I googled all the same questions you have likely googled until I was just plain tired and over it. I stopped googling and figured out a way to create a healthy balanced lifestyle for myself that leaves me feeling satisfied (because a girl needs to eat), fit (because I've always been about the exercise) and fulfilled (because I finally prioritized myself and what I know is good for me in my heart).I have been in this fitness business for a long time. I take it very seriously and love seeing people get stronger, more flexible and more confident. It is not a small thing and can have huge benefits to their lives. I have been at the nutrition aspect for a while now and that seems to be trickier to master than the fitness for most people. In this day and age with every commercial ramming crap food in our faces, glorified by typically thin, beautiful models, it is no wonder our country is so unhealthy. But I digress into another post. . .The nutrition aspect of our health is really more important than getting in the wonderful workouts. The whole "abs are made in the kitchen" and "you can't out train a bad diet" are sadly true. Especially for those 40 year olds and over. I am a walking testament to that. I know that I can workout and workout and workout and see absolutely no results if I am not eating well. While I know I'll never be on the cover of a magazine, even if I ate pristinely, the point is that I know no matter how many classes I teach, how many classes I take or how many workouts I complete, if I am eating crap I am going to feel poorly and not have the results I want. So, listen to me, if you want to change your body you have to know how to eat in a healthy manner. If not, all those squats, planks, burpees and sprints are for nothing. Don't believe me? Google will tell you so.The final component to your own healthy balanced lifestyle is personal to you. Regardless of where you are in life, a young mom with beautiful babies on the hip, a career woman without children wearing heels and awesome suits, an empty nester with a little more time on her hands or somewhere, anywhere in between, you will not be your healthy self unless you learn to slow down, take a breath and listen to what your heart tells you to do to make you shine. I am not being "woo woo" here, well, maybe a little, but hear me out. I am telling you what it took a while for me to realize. You can put everyone and everything first in your life and think you are being the best mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, employee and boss out there, but if you aren't prioritizing yourself along the way you are going to burn out and feel empty and tired and have no idea why.We were all created to be these individuals with different gifts, talents, dreams, and ideas. If they are hidden under the bush who are we serving? How are we being examples to our children, employees, or others is we do not find, pursue and embrace what makes us shine?So, I am here to say find your own healthy lifestyle. Not Gwen Stefani's, Princess Kate's, or Carrie Underwoods, your neighbor's, spin instructor's or whomever. If it is too overwhelming because all that googling has gotten you all tied up, find someone to help. Find a nutritionist you trust, a trainer, an online presence, someone who has a whole, healthy philosophy to reign you in from the madness out there and bring you to your own personal lifestyle.If you want a few tips to begin, I have a new freebie. Download my 10 Simple Steps to Your Healthy Balanced Lifestyle to begin finding your own lifestyle and more on my philosophy.
I have a new round of Better & Beyond beginning May 27. We have added new free components to add to accountability, meal planning and access to information. If you want a kick butt healthy June doors open May 8! It's going to be fun, ya'll!Enjoy Your Day!