A Little dose of Tao to get you out of a rut!
I'm feeling a little in a rut these days. I guess we all get there some time or another. While I work on jumping out of this one I came across one who seems to have never gotten in a rut. I tell myself that if she's still rockin then we all should follow her lead! I'm talking about the ninety-plus year old yogi, Tao Porchon-Lynch. When her photo came across my Instagram feed early this morning it just made me smile. I needed that this Monday morning!(Re-worked from a previous post in 2013)Ever find yourself needing a little inspiration? I’ve got a little something for you to begin your week! I always love to be inspired by people who keep on going, not letting age or convention stop them from doing what they love. I am convinced that the continued movement, interest, and will to keep on living life keeps folks young far beyond their normal years.I've read about Tao Porchon-Lynch and was incredibly inspired by her fabulous outlook on life. While this yogi has been alive for close to a century, she doesn’t seem to be slowing down. She still teaches yoga on a regular basis and has released a yoga DVD with instructor Tara Stiles. What I most loved about Tao was hearing that she had a daily mantra. She begins each day saying, “ This is going to be the best day of my life.” This reminds me of my brother. I've spoken about him on this site before. He had that true gift of looking at each day as the gift that it is. Regardless of what was going on in life, in his world, good or bad, he found a way to make each day count. He found a way to enjoy each and every day that he was given. Isn't that what we are all supposed to do with this gift that we wake up to each day?Tao's mantra for life is, “There is nothing that you cannot do.” Is there any better way to begin each day? Of course not! I think we might have thought that when we were children and then, somehow, let the world wear us down and rattle our confidence until we began seeing boundaries. Usually, those boundaries are self-imposed and invisible. What a mindset! What a way to look at life and have the confidence to know that there is nothing you cannot do. That's the kind of motivation I needed this morning. Thank you Tao!
So, what’d you think? Do you have your own daily mantra? Mantra for life? What inspires you?Enjoy a Great Day!