6 Ways to a Healthy Boost in Confidence
Fitness, General, General Post, Health Tips, Motivation, My Storiesbuilding confidence, comfort zone, confidence, getting out of your comfort, health tips, how to build confidence, inner strength, inspiration, motivation, move forward, practice, practice makes perfect, self-care, self-esteem, strength
Summer Reading!
General, General Post, Motivationbeach reads, books, business books, I, inspirational books, reading, relax, self-help books, summer, summer reading, time off
Do Something for You This Weekend
Fitness, General, General Post, Health Tips, Motivation, My Storieschoices, exercise, Gretchen Rubin, happiness, Health, healthy choices, inspiration, life seasons, lifestyle, motivation, reduce stress, sandwich generation, seasons, self-care, self-help, stress reception, well-being, Wellness, working moms, working women, your future self
Make Yourself a Job . . . an audio update
Family, Fitness, General, General Post, Health Tips, Motivation, My Storiesanti-inflammatory, audio, audiologist, autoimmune, autoimmune disease, de-stress, family, grief, hearing, hearing aids, hearing loss, inflammatory, life events, lifestyle, loss, meniere's disease, meniere's symptoms, mindful, mindfulness, mindset, priorities, Rest, self-care, stress, stress relief, vertigo, Wellness