Do You Have a Tribe?
We need people. It’s a simple truth. As much as many of us can live alone, be alone, enjoy being alone, we were created to be with others. We thrive when we are supported by others and are there to support others.
I can write about the importance of having “your people” during different seasons in life, how it benefits us, how we learn and grow from others, and how all of the longevity studies show that one of the Number One contributors to a longer life is community and friendship, but right now I’m just breaking it down to the simple act of creating healthy habits - the kind of habits that feel good, keep you growing, trying new things, and keep life fun.
If you are looking to a new season and it includes some sort of change, or dipping a toe into creating new habits, I’d say take a second and look around.
Who do you spend most of your time with?
Do they have the same habits you have?
Do they have the habits you want to create?
Do they have the same goals and aspirations?
Do they bring you up and do you bring them up?
It’s a fact that nothing sustains or helps boost motivation more than belonging to a tribe or similarly minded folks.
Think about it -
If you are on a trip with a group of friends who get up and go for a morning walk, I bet you will be more inclined to get up and join.
If you are a member of a book club, you’ll be more inclined to read more so you can join in.
You know the saying about the five people you surround yourself with. You get this whole message. And it’s absolutely true.
Because the flip side is also true, of course.
If your group of friends or community gets together and it typically ends in a gossip fest, you’ll be more likely to join.
If your dinner companions are ordering appetizers and burgers, it can be much easier to add another to the order - with extra fries, right?
These are very simple and basic reminders, I know. As we grow and become more intentional, some of our friendships naturally evaporate and fall away. If we want to focus on different areas of our lives and wellbeing, surrounding ourselves with like minded people only makes us better and stronger in those areas.
We are social creatures and we naturally crave community. Being the only one in a group, being the lone wolf, can be hard. If you are working on your goals, and are in the beginning baby stages of creating a new and, hopefully, better habits, being in the midst of others who do not have that same mindset, makes it that much harder - and even when you feel settled in your lifestyle, can still feel uncomfortable.
Look around at your people, your tribe.
Do you have a shared identity?
Do you do the same things and enjoy the same lifestyle?
It will be a big boost and support to find your own tribe.
sometimes you and your tribe might just fight over the cupcake. . .
Live Big!
I have ONE 1:1 Coaching spots opening in April. Let’s work together (:
MD Mats (perfect for an Easter basket or Mother’s Day! Just Sayin’)