Strength and Core Workout for your Weekend!

Okay ya'll . . . I'm here for just a hot second.  I'm sharing with you a workout we did Monday morning!  Be forewarned - There's a LOT of chatter here - it's live and this is how we roll.  (To be honest, I did bleep myself out near the end due to my chronic oversharing).While you work you'll hear us talk all the important things. . . Animal House, Georgia Tech v. Clemson football, my high school drill team routine to "Funky Town", high school memories, the importance of groaning during your workout and some of my favorite moves!Grab your bands if you have them!  If not, grab dumbbells, cans of beans, water bottles, or whatever you have on hand for your at home Quarantine Workout. 

Enjoy and Stay Well!

Marla-Deen Brooks