Are you a Flip Flopper?
I ran into an old friend the other day. I haven't seen her in quite a while. Every single time I see this friend she asks me the VERY SAME question. She asks me if I've heard about or tried the (you fill in the blank) new diet. EVERY SINGLE TIME. And every single time she asks it's because it is the diet she is "on" at the moment.Now, if you have spent any time here and have looked into the philosophy of Better & Beyond you know that I don't "do" diets. I do not believe in going on a diet, because guess what? You eventually go "off" that diet. Right? Diets are not sustainable. Diets are not a way to live in the real world. Diets do not allow you to live your personal balanced healthy lifestyle. Diets don't allow freedom.I am not here to be a Debbie Downer on all the diet programs out there. There are some wonderful methods to lose weight. There are scientifically based programs - the diet industry is a billion dollar business for a reason. There is a need out there by an extraordinary amount of people to lose weight and get healthy. There are, in turn, a lot of people out there capitalizing on this by offering the next best diet to solve all the problems. It can be completely overwhelming for someone looking for that solution. And because humans, by nature, want a quick fix, many people go for the newest trendy diet that offers the quickest solution, regardless of what you have to do, pills you have to take, how many grapefruits you have to eat daily, or how restrictive you have to be to follow that diet. Of course, following said trendy diet can bring quick results - decrease in bloating and loss of water weight. However, how often have you tried one of the newest diets, seen some results and then gone off the diet. When the diet is over, typically, folks don't know what to do. They revert back to their old lifestyle and the weight creeps back. This leads to discouragement and frustration. That is, until the next trendy diet comes along so they can jump on that diet in hopes of reaching those lasting results.It is an endless and exhausting cycle of flip-flopping from one diet to another. Does that sound familiar?If so, I'm here to say please stop. Stop the madness! You cannot "diet" or flip-flop yourself into a wholesome healthy lifestyle.
Lifestyle is the key word here. Creating a lifestyle is where the magic happens. Creating your personal balanced lifestyle that is good for you and only you is the way to capture freedom, wellness, and joy.Again, there are so many diets out there. There are also businesses, MLMs, coaches and affiliate marketers attached to fitness and diet companies that are wildly successful. These businesses can do an amazing job at helping their clients reach goals with their products. I just want to remind you that your health cannot be all about the next best product you are buying, or drinking or popping. The healthiest folks in the world eat real food, move naturally, socialize, rest and even have one glass of wine at 5 pm each day. Surely we can do this too! (Read about the Blue Zones)This is my passion. I feel so strongly about helping to empower my clients to create their own balanced healthy lifestyle. No flip-flopping. Finding a lifestyle that brings health and wellness through nutrition, movement, prioritizing feeding the heart, and whole-living are vital for a healthy lifestyle and longevity.I know that how I eat and workout and follow my heart are personal. What works for me will not work for you or your neighbor or best friend. There is not "wellness in a box" and I do not want to attempt to offer that. I do believe that there are healthy ways of eating, healthier foods to eat, foods that are delicious but should not be eaten every day. I believe in exercise, working on strength and flexibility and learning how to workout to fit within the foods being eaten. Also, not to sound too woo woo, but I also firmly believe that health can only be obtained when we learn to live intentionally and fulfill those big or small things that makes your heart shine.Please, next time you are considering another flip-flop on a new diet, stop and think. Will that diet program lead you to your own personal lifestyle? Will it teach you how to be healthy in all areas?Enjoy Your Day!
I'd love to work with you in our May 27 round of Better & Beyond to create your own personal healthy balanced lifestyle!