Three Ways to Make Yourself a Priority
The main goal in my business is to encourage clients to have a healthy balanced lifestyle. That really doesn't sound too difficult. However, somehow we all make it so much harder than it has to be! Our health is more than exercising every day and changing bad eating habits. To have that whole balanced lifestyle, you have to focus on emotional health also. I've found that for so many people that really is the missing link.I get it. We are all so busy - being pulled in about thirteen thousand different directions. The thought of making yourself a priority may even sound laughable. You think you do not have the time, you doubt that you have the energy, and you may not even know where to start.I'm going to give you three ways to make yourself a priority. This week I shared three things about motivation with my Better & Beyond group through a video chat. These are a little different but also piggyback off my conversation with them1. Feed Yourself Foods You DeserveOftentimes we eat crappy food telling ourselves we deserve it. Maybe we had a really hard workout, made it to the gym four times in a week, suffered through an awful week at work, or maybe had a fight with your mother, whatever it is you rationalize bad for you food. Even if you tell yourself you deserve to indulge because you are on vacation, or you are celebrating, I say let's think about this for a minute. What are you telling yourself you deserve? Do you deserve to feel bloated and lethargic from downing that plate of nachos or cheeseburger and fries? Do you deserve the massive headache from that sugar bomb margarita or bag of candy?I don't think so. I think you deserve to feel energized, healthy and nurtured. Make yourself a priority and feed yourself the foods that make you feel like you deserve to feel!2. Every Day is a MondayWhen you do overindulge, and we all do at times, don't let it derail you from your health goals. One slip up is not a reason to throw in the towel and turn one bad choice into many bad choices. I like to say that every day is a Monday. Every day is a chance to begin again and start all over with good, healthy choices. Put yourself first and your goals at the forefront and move on. Just remember, every day is a Monday!3. Do Something Every Day that Makes You HappyThis is huge for your stress relief. We were not meant to live in the stress-filled race of life that is considered the norm these days. I know you are doing a million things in any given day as you fulfill several different roles in your life. All of these roles are important, but I also know that a person cannot perform any of these roles well if feeling stifled and stressed.Finding time each day to do something that makes you happy is a wonderful way to reduce stress. I am not at all saying that you need to do great big things each day. I'm not talking about a cruise or shopping spree. It can be as simple as flowers from the grocery store or taking time to read a chapter in your book, or chat on the phone. What makes you happy will be completely different than what makes me happy. For me, it can be a walk with my dog in the neighborhood, getting up early for quiet time, sending and receiving funny texts with friends or sitting outside for a few minutes for some vitamin D. These are not big and time-consuming things, but can make a huge difference in my mindset and well-being for the day.Making yourself a priority in your own happiness isn't taking anything away from those you are caring for. You will likely feel better to give to those around you!These are just some of the ways you can make yourself a priority and help create your own healthy balanced lifestyle. If you are looking for ways to incorporate balance and health into your lifestyle, I encourage you to check out our Program. I would love to continue to encourage you!
Enjoy Your Day!