8 Ways to Love . . . found during an office clean up day
Living in a male dominated home I have always joked that "there is no pink in my house". That has actually been okay since I've never been a real "girlie girl". Well, when we moved into the home we are in about a year ago, one of my favorite spaces was a great little office nook - just for me! It's just outside the door to our bedroom, has a large window looking outside and has great storage with built in cabinets in the desk area and the opposite wall has storage above and below a counter space, with bulletin board between. Perfect for tacking up the boys' various school and sports schedules, photos, invitations, all that stuff someone in the house is responsible for.This room has become a favorite spot for me. It is usually where I sit to type these posts, my dogs sitting under my chair and usually a little music playing. One day I decided the space needed livening up a bit. So, in a day it went from this:
To this:
Much better, don't you think? It's so hot pink and fun. There's simply no way you can fall asleep in here! It's also so very pink that I can't imagine any of my boys wanting to hang out in here very long!While I'm sharing photos of my office, here are some other things that I love about this space. I love my pink chair. And the sweet pup pillow given to me by a friend because it reminds her of my pup.Then one day I was out and about and found this:
I had to have it on the spot even though I had no idea where it would go. So, in lieu of a window treatment I have "JOY". I'm also a candle person. Maybe because I need something around to smell good to counter all the male and dog smells around the home! And a reminder to Be Thankful can't hurt.
This year the Third Son gave me this card - a couple of days after my birthday he came into my office and asked when we were opening presents and celebrating . . . (remember, this was the birthday my family forgot!) and handed me this card. Perfect!
Okay, enough of the office tour. The real reason I am posting anything today is to share something I came across while cleaning up this space. On my bulletin board is a list I made from one of the last sermons given by our associate pastor. I've put it back up on the bulletin board because it is too good to be delegated to the trash and good enough to share with you all.8 WAYS TO LOVE (from John 14:15-21)1. Listen - twice as much as you speak2. Speak words of encouragement - learn to speak kindly3. Be generous - learn how to give4. Touch people5. Be a servant6. Be present7. Forgive8. Pray for peopleI love this and each and every point. They all speak for themselves and do not need my elaboration. This list will definitely preach!What is your favorite room in your home? How do you make it "yours"? What do you think of this list? Anything need to be added? Have a favorite on the list? Do you think the pink is a little too much? I hope you are having some good weather to help you Enjoy Your Day!