Gearing up for the Week . . .
I think we can likely all agree that Mondays are hard. We are never quite ready for them to come, and yet, there they are week after week after week. Kinda like Groundhog Day. I always try to make Sundays the best day as I consider Sunday as the day that begins the week and sets the tone for the rest of the days ahead.In a perfect world my Sundays would go something like yesterday's did. It was really one of those great days where everything fell into place. It began with church, which always starts the week off right. I got in a workout, which often does not happen on Sundays, as it is usually a rest day. The sun was out and it was unnaturally pleasant for a February day. See how nicely everything is going? I took our dogs out on a long walk which makes them happier than I can even describe! I got the house in some sort of order to begin the week. I made it to the grocery store with a plan for a couple of dinners for the week. When I got home from the grocery store I did this:I washed, sliced, chopped and prepared lots of healthy fruits and vegetables to store in the fridge and have ready to grab throughout the week. I posted this yesterday on my Instagram feed and was astounded by the likes! If you don't follow me on Instagram here's the perfect chance! Just click up top on the right!Anyway, I felt so ready and accomplished when I finished! I'd be a liar if I said I did this every Sunday, but I should! I know I'm setting us up for a great week of good eats without opening the pantry or fridge and grabbing something I'll regret.The perfect Sunday ended with grilling out and dinner around the table with The Husband and The Boys. In my book it really can't get much better.And as you are gearing up for the rest of the week, here's a little something to think about. The Husband sent me this quote and I've pondered it for a couple of days.
I think about this and wish this for many people. I wish both of my parents had truly appreciated and honored their bodies and tested their bodies as they grew older. I see many people that allow age to take over without thinking about what they and their bodies are truly capable of. We can do more, move more, be more if we just let ourselves go there. Whatever limitations age may bring we can't let that simple number rule our mindsets. Giving up should never be an option. Let's see what we are capable of out there!I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. That Socrates wasn't a dumb cookie!How do you begin your week? What's your perfect way to prepare? What's your perfect Sunday?Enjoy your Day!