What Price Do you Pay for Your Fitness

I went to a class today that I love.  Well, maybe it's just not the class I love so much as the instructor. This one really gets me,  motivates  me and makes me push myself past what I might do on a normal day.  I do not go to it regularly, but do when I am feeling the need for a good butt whipping.  She always delivers!  My "work" workout routine is pretty full so sometimes I don't get my own workout in and I certainly do not pay extra for classes and workouts on a regular basis.  When I workout on my own I either do it at home, outside or the local Y where I teach.  

I love to attend different classes around the area and write about those sometimes here.  It keeps things fresh, keeps me interested, motivated and challenges me.  It's always great to have someone else up front being creative, educational and inspirational!  The thing about a lot of the great class, boutique and fitness opportunities in this area, is that they can be very expensive.  When you look at paying $20 - $28 dollars for a mere 45 - 50 minute class that can really add up.  Therefore, if I am going to schedule a class somewhere with another instructor you bet I want it to be worth my time, energy and money.  I really want to get something out of it.  I think if you are paying your hard earned money then you should expect someone to make that 45 - 60 minutes of your day darn worth it.  

When I am in front of a class I am so conscience of that fact.  I think, "Wow, these folks have shown up for this class.  They have gotten out of bed, arranged childcare or taken their children to school early to be here.  They have actually paid money to be here.  The very least I can do is show up and make it worth their while!"  That's really important to me as an instructor.  I know it's not rocket science and it's not even considered a real job, but I do take it seriously.  I work hard to make every single workout different and effective.  I work on fun, motivating music for the classes and always work on bringing something new and fresh to each class.  And, believe me, I'll never get rich!  My own classes through my fitness business are a huge bargain, and,  of course, you know if you are working at a YMCA you aren't in it for the big bucks!  I know, however, that all of these folks have chosen that time and that place  (whether they even know me or not) to spend their money and their time.  I am definitely going to do my best to give them something.  Heck, I'm right there sweating with them, loving to hate it some days, and, recently working hard enough with the class to bust a blood vessel in my eye!  (Yeah, that's really not a pretty sight and NOT what needs to happen!  It's just me telling you that I'm giving it all I've got!)

I'm pretty picky where I spend my money, especially in this area.  I am fortunate that I actually love to exercise.  I know some people need to pay for a class to make themselves go or need to hire a personal trainer in order to make sure they will get in a workout and do it properly.  I feel like we, in the fitness world,  need to make sure we honor our clients and participants in this area.  I feel very honored when I show up and the class is jam packed with folks anticipating a great sweat fest, or great yoga day or body sculpt.  I surely don't want to disappoint.  

What are your thoughts on this?  Do you pay to work out?  Purchase package deals to make sure you get there?  What about showing up and having a bum instructor?  Do you feel cheated?  

Best Part of Class . . . The Stretch!

Isn't this the cutest New Mom? And you should see her cute baby!

How we love our Suicides!

Have a GREAT Week out there!
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