My Housekeeping Battle . . .I've lost and it's okay

I was just unloading my dishwasher and I realized it smelled.  And not in a good way.  Now, why would my dishwasher smell?  It got me to thinking that I really must not be a very good housekeeper.  I seem to be in a constant battle to keep things picked up, beds made, dishes out of the sink, laundry done and basic order in the home.  Did I mention that I live in a house full of boys?  Do I get any brownie points for that?  I never seem to have one of those homes where anyone can walk into at any time and it be in perfect order.  I am constantly apologizing to workmen or the plumber or any number of folks who might step through the door about the state of my home.  It used to really gets me down.  

I did not inherit this bad trait from my mom, either.  She always had an immaculate home.  Well, if you knew my mom you would also know that she had help with her house, a lot of help.  But even without the help she ran a tight ship.  We were forced to make our beds the minute we stepped out of them.  We weren't even allowed to sit on our beds, whereas my own children do everything on their beds - I think sleeping is just secondary.  My mom had a place for everything and everything in its place.  And she never seemed to rush around frantically looking for something or scrambling for hidden objects as she dashed out the door.  Nope, I don't think I ever saw her dash anywhere.  I guess when everything is neat and in its place there's just no need to ever have to rush or dash anywhere.  

Looking back I think I might have done a better job at keeping my house when the boys were little.  I seemed to be more in control over the mess.  Although as I type and think about this, I think the truth is that I was just more uptight about it when I was younger.  I remember The Husband would always comment sarcastically that he could tell my mom was coming to town because I would be cleaning frantically.  Somehow, I stopped doing that so  much over the years.  Maybe it's that I have learned to seize the day a little more and just let it go.  I would rather play with my pup a few minutes, visit with a friend or sit and talk to the boys when they are talking.  Lord knows if one starts to open up and I say "hold that thought while I fold this laundry" I might never get another chance to hear about his day.   

I wasn't really sure where I was going with this post when I started writing.  I guess I was confessing that I'm not a great housekeeper and it makes me a little crazy.  I  might have been hoping there was someone else out there like me?  Also, I do have a thing about Fridays.  That is the one day I like to spend some time getting things in order so the weekend doesn't start out with the house in shambles. However, let's be honest.  I'll take the time getting things in order today and by noon tomorrow I'll be back where I started!  The good thing about it is that I know that.  And I'm actually okay with it.  I love our home when it's clean (especially when it's clean!), but I also love it when it's a little untidy.  Sorta like all the boys in my life (that keep messing up our home!).

So, I've become a little more laid back about things around here.  A little more relaxed about keeping things pristine.  I even actually sit on my bed and read, play with the dogs and watch TV.  Sorry, Mama . . . I think it's a healthy perspective and it has saved me from a lot of frustration, yelling at my family, and  spinning my wheels in exhaustion.  Although I still have to figure out the smell from my dishwasher . . . 

How relaxed are you about your home?  How do you manage to keep it?  And what's going on with my dishwasher?? 

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