Simple Steps to Your Best Day
I did something big and scary recently. In fact, I'm even a little embarrassed to share it here. As a bit of a pretext I want to point out that I made some big and bold goals this year. I always talk about that in January so you may remember that. One of the big ones was to force myself to get out of my comfort zone.So far I've done that in fun ways and in work ways. One of the fun ways was striking something off of my bucket list that really got me out of my comfort zone . . . I went skydiving with my oldest son. Obviously, I survived and we had a BLAST! In the work area, I have created a few live videos on my Facebook Page. These are really big and scary for me. I love sharing and talking with folks. I am so passionate about health and wellness and sharing any little tidbit that might help even just one person, but I'm telling you, it's nerve-wracking for me to put myself on video. It's fun, but scary too.
Another thing that I made a goal of was this space. This website, my fitness classes, training, and nutrition coaching - all of it - is something that I have loved doing for so long. It has been a passion project so to speak. So, this year I set a goal to step it up a bit and take it more seriously. Give it the love and attention it deserved by looking at is as a business rather than a hobby. I think my clients, class participants, followers and readers deserve that. If I am going to show up in my own tiny part of this world, I might as well show up with all that I have. That means bring on all I have, give more, create more, and provide more. I truly wanted to do that, but I'll be honest. I had big ideas as to what I wanted to share and absolutely NO idea how to actually do it.Then I did that big and scary thing. I hired a business coach. A wonderful, motivating, true, hard-working, creative, all-knowing coach. A coach who also happened to work her coaching job as her side hustle (and if you have ever been around me you know how much I am into that!), while she works her full-time job, raises three precious little humans AND fields all of mine and others' emails, text questions, runs groups, creates freebies, videos, launches programs and you name it. This gal is a Midwestern Superhero. And the fact that she can understand my southern twang just speaks volumes in my book!My awesome coach Lindsay Maloney has taught me how to do what I wanted to do but didn't know how and stretched me to do some things I wouldn't have dreamed of doing! And that's a good thing. I know it is all about learning and growing and I'm not afraid to admit that I don't know what I don't know. There have been some new content, strategies, new offerings, and one thing I've loved creating is new FREEBIES.My latest is what I'm sharing with you here. It's my top 10 things that you can do each and every day that really impact your health. You really can make small, actionable steps each and every day that have a huge impact on your health! How about that? You can make these changes! They are simple! Easy! And you can do them painlessly without even realizing you are creating a new healthy lifestyle.Check out my
10 Steps to Your Best Day
Download it. Print it. Put it on your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your fridge, by your bed or where ever it will speak to you. It's 10 simple things that can lead you on your journey to your best day and your best week, best month and best healthy lifestyle.