The BEST Homemade Chicken Broth
It's been cold and damp and cold. It's been a huge cold and flu season. I don't think the old saying of eating chicken noodle soup when you are sick is a myth. I think it is the gospel! It is true medicine!I also know from experience that making the chicken stock from scratch makes all the difference in the world! I let the thought of making homemade broth scare me for far too long. The past few Sundays I have been making chicken stock from scratch and it is so simple I have to share.I promise it is so, so easy you'll wonder why you ever thought it was too hard, laborous, time-consuming or, worse, didn't really matter. I'm here to tell you - you try this recipe for your next soup and you'll know it really matters!Chicken stock is delicious and nutritious.The aromatics, full of healing minerals, collagen and gelatin from the chicken bones as it simmers on your stove and so healthy and full of nutritional value. I add vinegar and lemon which also adds to the nutrition just in time to help you fight all the flu and sick bugs out there.This chicken stock recipe uses a whole chicken so you can use the meat in other recipes and you can also use this recipe with any bones that you have leftover, like from a roasted chicken or turkey. Use the herbs you have on hand if you don't have fresh. I throw in whatever vegetables I have on hand, and sometimes add fennel, or parsnips or whatever might look good. This is a long explanation but it's really SO simple! You can put this on the stove and just let it simmer and fill your house with the deliciousness all day long - or if you need to leave it's also great in the crockpot.The BEST Homemade Chicken BrothPrep time: 10 minutesTotal time: At least 5 hours1 whole chicken (about 4 to 5 pounds), insides removed1 white or yellow onion, quartered4 carrots, scrubbed or peeled and cut in half4 celery stalks (with leaves if possible), cut in half4-5 garlic cloves, smashed open or cut in half2 large bay leafves3-5 sprigs fresh thyme1 bunch of fresh parsley2 teaspoon whole black peppercorns2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar2 slices of lemonenough water to fill the potWash the chicken and remove anything from the inside. I do not use these in my stock, but that's totally preference.Add all ingredients to the pot and cover with water to about an inch below the top of the pot. Bring the water to a boil (this takes about 10-20 minutes) then reduce. Simmer at least 4 and up to 24 hours. After about 2 hours remove the chicken from the pot. Let the chicken cool and you can shred and use for whatever recipe you are making. Continue to let the stock simmer. The longer the better!When you are ready to use the stock, after at least 4 hours, strain the stock through a fine mesh colander or some folks use cheesecloth, into a large bowl or pot. Discard everything from the pot except the strained liquid.
CROCK POT METHOD:Follow the above directions but use a crock pot. Add all of the ingredients and water to the crock pot and put it on high until it comes to a simmer, about 2 hours. It will take awhile to simmer as the slow cooker heats at a slower pace than your stovetop. Remove the meat once it’s cooked through, about 2-3 hours in. Add everything back in just like the method above and let it all simmer on low for 4-24 hours. You may want to add another cup or two of water if you let it simmer and too much liquid evaporates. Just keep it covered and let it simmer as long as you’d like.I use one serving for whatever I am cooking, freeze a container for later and keep one in the fridge to heat and sip on.You can use the stock for some wonderful things. Some of favorites are Chicken Noodle Soup, Chicken Tortilla Soup or Chicken and Dumplings.
Stay Well!