WORKOUT #4. . . and a Thanksgiving Reminder!
Well, here we are at Week 4 AND Thanksgiving Week. My how time flies!I've gone through this workout myself and love that it hits a little bit of everything in one workout. Quick and Efficient. Perfect for a busy week. During the week of Thanksgiving, may of the healthy living blogs and sites offer all sorts of advice on how to get through the day avoiding all the delicious foods that are prepared. There are tips on how to re-make the favorites in light and healthy ways and lists of what to eat and what not to eat at the Thanksgiving table. I am all about fresh and delicious foods - most any time of the year! And I do admit that I have tweaked some of our family recipes to include fresh ingredients over some of the older methods. However, since Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year, I'm not going to give you healthy advice about avoiding your favorite creations and sides (it IS all about the sides, right). Here's what I'd love all of us to do. . .Enjoy, Appreciate, Celebrate, Eat, Hug and RelaxI intend to watch my boys' eat their favorite foods and I'll do the same. What a wonderful day of celebration! I remember one Thanksgiving when I was home from law school. I was attacked by some horrible stomach virus and spent the entire Thanksgiving day on the couch, smelling the foods and listening to my family share at the table. It was miserable! I felt SO cheated of my day of feasting with my family!So, my tip is to relish in this special day. That being said, you all know you will feel better if you find some time to get in some movement before or after your meal. An early morning walk, run or workout. I know so many folks participate in a Thanksgiving Marathon, Turkey Trot or other race and I love that idea. (If you have someone at home watching the turkey, that is!) Last year we had a wonderful afternoon hike by the river close to our home. Some families have football games and outdoor races. Whatever it is, you know you will feel so much better if you make an opportunity to get in a little movement and not just settle in on the couch with a full belly for the rest of the day!On to Workout #4. This is a great one to take with you if you are traveling for Thanksgiving. It can be done with OR without weights, so no excuses!
One of my favorite things is creating workouts and sharing them. I'm not sure it's something you all love as much as I do (;. If you have done any of this series, or bookmarked them for later, I'd love feedback.And, Here's another tip to remember this week. When family begins to come together oftentimes there is a wee bit of strife or tension or stress. . . just remember to smile, nod your head and move on. And, think of this . . .
Enjoy Your Day!