I Tried a New Workout . . .PlateSculpt Review
I often have a love/hate relationship living here in Atlanta. However, one thing I do love is the huge fitness community in this city. I know that if I want, I can find somewhere different each day of the week to get in a great workout with great instructors and cutting edge information. I am also one of those instructors who loves trying new workouts, experiencing new classes and getting to know new instructors.This fitness business is continually growing, expanding and coming up with creative ways to move, strengthen and treat our bodies. Trying new instructors can also be inspiring and educational. I find that even if I do not love a class, or maybe I don't relate to the instructor or particularly like the style, I can always take a little nugget away that can help me be better. Sometimes those nuggets are new moves, new cues, creative exercises or motivation and other times it may be things I do NOT want to emulate or habits I do not want to re-create in my own classes. Either way, I consider it as learning experiences.I have heard about PlateSculpt forever and forever. I have had it on my "need to check out" list forever and forever. Recently, I finally had a free morning and signed up for my first class.It was so worth my while.I'm going to explain a little about the Power Plate which is used at PlateSculpt and share my experience.PlateSculpt is the studio owned by Susan King who is a life long fitness lover. She has a true passion for helping women be healthy, fit and strong. Within seconds of meeting her, you know she is doing what she loves for all the right reasons. At PlateSculpt, she uses a Power Plate to create 30 minute workout that is challenging and effective. The Power Plate is engineered to activate the body’s natural reflexive response to vibrations, and moves 25 to 50 times per second to engage muscles in a consistent and controlled manner.The studio is in the back of the Power Circuit Fitness Gym. The minute I walked in I must have had "PlateSculpt" tattoed on my forehead because I was automatically directed to the back of the gym. At first glance the studio may seem small, but is laid out so efficiently that it works perfectly. It is a light, bright space with five Power Plates. The limited number of Power Plates makes it easy for the instructor to walk around to each client and give lots of individual attention. The limited number also means it is important to use the website to sign up and snag a spot!
During the workout, you stand, sit, jump or do whatever strength or cardio move you might do on the floor, on the platform that is set to vibrate at a level of your choice depending on fitness level of the workout. I'm not going to lie, the first time the switch was turned on I almost jumped out of my skin! The vibration can be a bit disconcerting at first, but then you can really feel the magic of that movement as it makes everything a bit more challenging or a stretch that much more effective!
The Power Plate® is state of the art technology that takes your workout to a whole new level by increasing your muscle performance. Your effort is nearly doubled and results are amplified as your body responds to the vibrations of the Power Plate®! Because your muscles are working harder, your circulation is boosted giving you significant health and beauty benefits you can see and feel!
The benefits of the Power Plate are a more amplified workout in less time. It builds strength, helps with balance, incorporates the core and energizes the body as the vibrations adds to the detoxifying results. The Power Plate has been used for years by athletes and in training facilities. For more of the science and benefits, click HERE.
The class I attended was actually a CELLULITE BLAST & RECOVERY SCULPT class. I was really sore from the week and from teaching my Friday morning strength class. In fact, I was thinking a massage was what my body really needed.This is the class description:
This combined class of CELLULITE BLAST & RECOVERY SCULPT will help you feel & look better! This class is not a workout, but is the perfect fit for those wanting to slow down and recover. This class is guaranteed to have you feeling healthy and rejuvintaed ! Here's how it works:
The Power Plate uses the vibrations to give what is like a high-intensity massage. In just 30 minutes I felt tight spots dissolve as the vibration worked to get the circulation going. My two favorite moves were sitting on the power plate on my outer hip working on my tight glutes. At the end of class we laid on our backs with our hamstrings and calves on the platform with the vibration doing their magic on my hamstrings and calves.Susan did a great job walking around making sure she gave each of us some "love" in deepening our stretches. She also came around with a foam roller and worked on each of our quads while our hamstrings were being released. It was wonderful!Well, I call the Cellulite Blast and Recovery Sculpt "the best massage that isn't a massage". I felt so good afterward. My muscles felt loose and long and relaxed. I did not have the nagging tightness in my hamstrings or glutes. It felt like a perfect recovery day.
My only advice for this class is do NOT try it with a full bladder. All those vibrations . . . .The next class I tried was HIIT SCULPTIn this class we used light weights, a weighted ball and resistance bands for timed segments while the platform continued to vibrate and challenge our muscles and balance. There were also cardio intervals on the platform that were a little disconcerting to me. The vibrations kept me thinking I might fall off of the platform- so I had to focus the whole time!My favorite moves in this class were the core. I loved the challenge of doing elbow planks, up and downs, and mountain climbers on the platform. I also loved the burn in my abs by doing the moves on the platform. Sometimes I have a hard time really feeling that muscle burn in my abs, but boy did I today!
If you are looking for something different and challenging, this is for you. If you don't have hours to spend in the gym and want some individual attention in a friendly, healthy environment, I encourage you to check out the schedule and class descriptions, and try a class. If you are not in the Atlanta area, check out Power Plate in your own city. I'd love to hear what you think!Enjoy Your Day!
*While this is not a sponsored post, I appreciate the opportunity to try this workout for free. All opinions and experiences are my own.*