4 Weeks of Fitness and Food . . .
It's November 1st. That means the day after Halloween. That means lots of us grown-up folks might have snuck a little Halloween candy, or lots of Halloween candy. Maybe you woke up with a sugar hangover, feeling a little sluggish and just not your best. This is when your best intentions and programs seem to begin to slip. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and then it seems to be a month fueled by foods and treats to follow.I am here to say that one day of candy or one day being Thankful and feasting isn't going to ruin all your gains or destroy your health and fitness. What can start the ball rolling is allowing that one day to turn into several days and continue rolling into the next couple of months.This also seems to be the time of year when fitness plateaus begin to hit, boredom sets in, or the darker, colder days begin to take a toll on the early morning exercisers.I have 4 WEEKS of tested workouts to share with you. These are workouts I have actually done myself first then tested again with clients. I know they are effective, challenging but still a little fun. I am offering a NEW WORKOUT each week for you to do at home, at the gym or anywhere you might be. I would encourage you to do the workout 2 - 3 times each week. Doing the workout ALONG with my FALL MENU GUIDE, which I will also include each week, will help you stay on track and enter the Holiday Season feeling fit, strong and healthy.If you want EACH WORKOUT to come straight into your INBOX, simply subscribe to the blog, if you haven't already. It's as simple as that! Today I am sharing WORKOUT #1. Print it out old school or take a screen shot with your phone and have it handy at the gym!Below are explanations of the moves. *As always, have permission from your doctor before beginning any workout program, perform with good form and stretch afterwards.*
CIRCUIT 1Squat with Overhead PressPush Up to Side PlankPlie and RowCIRCUIT 2Side LungesBurpeesChest PressFINISHER Plie HopsSquat ThrustsMountain ClimbersCross Mountain ClimbersABSElbow PlanksPlank JacksPlank Up DownsUse the FINISHER to go all out! It is a great interval between circuits and at the end to get your heart pumping! Combine this HIIT workout with good nutrition to feel your best. Here is my FALL MENU GUIDE to keep your nutrition on track!Fall Menu Plan copyRemember to SUSCRIBE to get the weekly workout right into your inbox!Enjoy Your Day AND your workout!