Keep Learning . . . Stay Motivated
Motivation is one of my main focuses. I strive to motivate others and work to find ways to keep myself motivated. I'm not only talking about health and fitness either. Sometimes we need motivation to do simple things like make the bed, do the right thing, get to work and get through the day. Sometimes it is motivation that gets us to put on our running shoes, or try a new recipe or do something completely new and different. Motivation helps us get "unstuck" and move forward.The definition for motivation is:*the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.*the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.Lately, as a way to stay motivated, I have really been focusing on continuing to learn new things and try things that may be out of my comfort zone. Sometimes it is only little tiny baby steps, but even these baby steps have helped me continue to move forward and stay motivated to keep doing what I am doing. I have shared oftentimes that I love to read, but one of my newest obsessions is podcasts. I am a HUGE fan. I listen to podcasts almost every. single. day. This has been a key component to keeping me motivated on my own health journey, as well as inspiration for work and non-work related projects.I glean different things from different podcasts. Some are educational, others inspirational, some motivate me and some ground me while others are simply entertaining. Whatever the genre or message I know I will typically learn some little nugget that will help me in this process of continuing to learn and move forward each day. I can be doing mounds of laundry, walking the dog, cooking dinner, sweeping the deck and multitasking by listening to a podcast. Notice that I did not say writing or researching . . . my brain can only handle so much at a time. (And I am not advocating never enjoying the quiet while doing tasks either. There is definitely a time for quiet).Here are some of the podcasts on my rotation that offer some motivation and continuing education.House Call with Dr. Mark HymanEveryday Life with LysaSide Hustle SchoolThe Lively ShowHigh Intensity HealthHappier with Gretchen RubinFitfluential RadioRevelation WellnessS-TownBreakdownSomething You Should KnowRED Radio HourThe Tim Ferriss ShowBalanced BitesCrime WritersOkay, this list is a bit lengthy. I do tend to jump around depending on my mood, what I'm doing and what I need at the time. I'd love to hear your own favorites!While on the subject of learning, I have a wonderful list to share. The Husband recently attended the funeral of a cousin. This cousin was a force and The Husband was so impressed with the celebration and all of the remarkable things said of this man. I loved hearing all of the things accomplished during this life well lived. This was on the back of the program.
What a teacher to have taught these to friends and family. I wholeheartedly agree with each one. It seems that those who knew this man learned some great lessons. Of course, this makes one think of what others are learning from us. What would my children, family and friends say they have learned from me? I'm afraid to ask!!I learned different things from my own family members who are no longer with us. It is funny, too, that sometimes something comes to me that I hadn't even realized I learned from my parents or brother and I feel like I am still learning from them even though they are no longer here.
I find that one of the key components of living a healthy life is continuing to learn and grow. Being interested and continuing to find motivation to move forward, whether it be in giant leaps or tiny baby steps, is an important part of our wellness journey and longevity. And it makes the day a lot more fun.What do you do to keep learning? Favorite podcasts? Enjoy Your Day!