Whole30 Check In and Snow Day At Home Workouts
It's Friday afternoon and the city of Atlanta is slowly closing down waiting for what we would call a snow storm. Schools let out early, our weekend wrestling tournament and sports banquet has been cancelled. I went to the grocery store for my normal pre-weekend run and got one of the last available cases of water. What? This place goes nuts!I've been posting some of my Whole30 eats on Instagram and posted a couple of recipes we've eaten this week. It has been a great week of wholesome, healthy foods and I feel really great. I already have more energy than I did before the Holidays and am sleeping better. All of that could be that the craziness of the Holidays are over and getting back on a schedule is good for my body, or it could be that I'm eating right and treating my body as it would like to be treated!Here are some of my foods from the week:
So far so good on the Whole30. I haven't had any sugar and haven't wanted any. I've decided I have to slow down on the nuts, though! There was one day I would have punched someone for a cracker! Right now I'm not sure how to make it through a snowagedden without even one glass of wine! Any good vibes you send my way would be greatly appreciated!Now, since lots of the country is under winter weather and you may find yourself indoors, you may be thinking you have a wonderful excuse to plant yourself on the couch with a Netflix marathon. I've got you covered on this. Before you begin the marathon, or take an intermission, move the coffee table, and get moving. I've gathered together some of the at home workouts I've shared on the blog and some YouTube videos that you can do right in the comfort of your own home.When You Can't Get to the Gym Workout10 X 10 WORKOUT[embed]https://youtu.be/oE1y9FrNjyo[/embed] GLIDERS FOR YOUR CORE[embed]https://youtu.be/0NIisIarreY[/embed]4 X 4 WORKOUT[embed]https://youtu.be/8p3f4ZWbMGw[/embed]Stay Safe, Stay Warm and Keep Moving!Enjoy Your Winter Day!