How I Spent the Day after Thanksgiving . . . and why you need some females in your family!
Today is the day after Thanksgiving. Yesterday was a wonderful day and I am so thankful for my people. Our family is small but strong. At Thanksgiving, we follow the age old custom of going around the table and sharing what we are thankful for. I am a complete sap and it truly touches my heart. We eat a lot, talk a lot, and while we are small we can have quite loud and lively dinner conversations. I love this day as a reminder of all the many, many things, big and small for which to be thankful.Now that the meal is over, the dishes put away, the table almost cleared, and family gone, it's pretty quiet. How are you spending this day?Are you out shopping? Fighting the crowds and traffic? Are you online surfing for deals? Are you pulling out boxes from the attic full of Christmas and Holiday decorations? Are you decorating a tree? Maybe you are cooking up a pot of turkey stock from your leftover Thanksgiving turkey. Perhaps you are getting in a wonderful, all out sweaty workout to combat the yummy foods you've indulged in? Maybe you are still entertaining and enjoying family and friend times.All of these sound like wonderful ways to spend the day following Thanksgiving. Me? Well, I'm on my second Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers black and white movie. I have on workout clothes, but have yet to work up a sweat. And, honestly, I don't think that will happen. I am taking the day off. When I say I am taking the day off, I mean it. I am doing very little today and letting rest come all over my body. I feel not one ounce of guilt and it feels heavenly!Last night as I lay in bed I was absolutely too tired to fall asleep. I promise that can happen. As you may know I live in a house of boys. While I do love these male beings, at times like Thanksgiving I see the beauty in having girls around. These men give absolutely no thought to preparing a feast or that help might be needed or appreciated. I thought of how easy my mother made the whole huge, abundant, day of Thanksgiving look so easy. Since I grew up with a table laden with turkey, ham, at least seven to eight sides, salad, greens, bread and desserts, it just comes natural to replicate all of that. I love doing it. However, I realized, lying in bed exhausted, that my mom was fortunate enough to have two ladies help her throughout the week AND, of course, she had me and her daughter in law, to pick up any other slack with serving, clearing, cleaning and putting away. Those boy moms out there may know a little bit of what I'm talking about!While I was scurrying around in the kitchen mixing, chopping, creating and cooking I also spent the past couple of days getting caught up on the laundry, mopping the floors and getting my house ready. I'm pretty happy I made that effort because now I can sit back today and simply lounge and recover.I thought I might get in a workout today. I thought I would take down the Thanksgiving decorations. I thought I would go through some of our Christmas boxes and begin organizing. While I hadn't really planned on doing any shopping for Black Friday, I thought I might at least get out of the house. . . .As I lie on the couch watching movies and lounging with my dogs I am relishing my day off. I am thankful for this luxury. I hope wherever you are and whatever you are doing on your day after Thanksgiving, you are enjoying and recovering and relishing. And . . . . I hope you have some females around! Otherwise, you might just keel over from sheer exhaustion. . .
Enjoy Your Day!