FIVE Favorite Posts

I'm being quiet here in July as I try to have a little vacation mode living but also work on some other projects.  I said July was my month to get some online projects done as well as some home projects.  Well, so far all I have to show for it is several things started and nothing really completed.  I think I need to re-think my strategy.But I don't want to absolutely lose my time here as I am still constantly thinking of things to share.  I woke up the other night thinking about some of my favorite posts I've written and as I went back to re-visit them, thought I'd also share.I loved the feedback I received from this post.  It was really fun to write and think back on how I began my journey in exercise and the changes it has brought - not only physically, but mentally and in my confidence.MAKINGS OF AN ATHLETEI am often asked about different diets, fads and programs.  In fact, this weekend I was with a friend and she wanted my take on a particular popular diet and supplement program.  I want folks to always do what is right for them, but also think that Mother Nature provides all that we need to nurture ourselves.  This is my take on food.MY FOOD PHILOSOPHYI was talking with a friend after one of my fitness classes this morning.  She was back from vacation and getting back into routine.  Since this time of year is usually about taking a vacation and time off, I thought it a great time to revisit this post.MY BACK FROM VACATION PHILOSOPHYWhile I love sharing about health, fitness and wellness, I never want to come across as a "know it all" or "preachy".  We are all on our own journeys with our own individual preferences, tastes, and circumstances.  So, maybe what works for me doesn't work for you!MY HEALTHY DOESN'T MEAN YOUR HEALTHYHealth is more than just what we eat and how much exercise we get.  Being healthy emotionally and mentally is also part of our well being.  At times, I've used this space to write some about my particular circumstances.  I've talked about family, loss and grief.  That journey is part of who I am now.  This past week marked four years from losing my brother.  Since it is still such a big part of my being and since I know so many people are experiencing their own grief journey, I thought I would share this again.SOMETIMES EVEN GOOD MEMORIES CAN BE HARDHope you are having a great July!Enjoy Your Day!Signature