Weekend Celebrations
I am normally not one of those bloggers who writes weekend recaps every Monday. I normally do not go through my weekend meals, events and activities, but I just have to make an exception today. I had the very best weekend and think some of it is definitely worth sharing!On Saturday I had such a great opportunity that I am still talking about. It was that much fun! I guess it could have been considered work, but it was too fun to be work! I have a good friend who was hosting a wedding brunch for the bride and her large group of friends. Months ago she asked me to lead the group in yoga. Of course, I accepted! I thought it sounded like such an interesting and fun way to bring everyone together to celebrate. As there would be a large group of women (there was actually 60 women!) of all ages, I wasn't sure how many would actually grab mats and participate.It was a beautiful morning and the energy of all these women, from twenty somethings, to mothers, aunts and even grandmothers, was absolutely contagious. Everyone was so excited to grab a mat or large beach towel, find a spot around the pool or in the grass, and join me in breathing, moving and flowing through forward folds, down dogs, warrior poses and celebrating such a wonderful day. It was so fun for yoga regulars to practice beside others who had never been on a mat. We just made it a session of fun, laughter, moaning and happiness. I loved every single second of it!Afterwards, we were all treated to a healthy brunch of protein balls, fruit, yogurt, homemade granola, gluten free egg casseroles and home milled banana bread.I left feeling so happy for this special bride and all of her friends and family. What a wonderful way to begin such a special day!
I took this from my spot by the diving board while we were getting ready to begin . . .
Everyone chatting and finding a place to put a mat. I wish I had better photos and pictures to show all the women filling every single vacant space and smiling and laughing through their poses!Afterwards, everyone enjoyed the wonderful spread of delicious, healthy food!
And isn't this the cutest bride ever? I've never seen a bride so relaxed and laid back on her wedding day! I think it was the yoga . . . (:
Other celebrations over the weekend included the First Son's 20th birthday. Even though he did not feel like it was a "big" birthday to celebrate, I thing 20 is a milestone! We had a fun family celebration which, of course, included me making some of his favorite foods.
We had his main request, homemade mashed potatoes. I also made an old favorite salad, Green Jacket Salad, Grilled Bacon Wrapped Chicken (anything with bacon for my boys!) and Derby Pie. Stay tuned for these recipes . . .Enjoy Your Day!