Need a Little Boost?
Where are you on your health and fitness journey? Was either of these part of a New Year's Resolution? Chances are you may have fallen off of your wagon. By the second week in February, statistics show that most folks have become disheartened and have begun dragging on their health and fitness goals. It doesn't mean you are lazy or uncommitted. Maybe life has gotten super busy, maybe the weather makes it too difficult to get to your favorite class at the gym, maybe you had a super start and have now hit a plateau. So many things can come together in an attempt to derail your good intentions! The weather being cold and gray may have given you the winter blahs taking away some of your excitement and zest for taking care of yourself.If any of this speaks to you, then it is the perfect time to bring in a little help. You might need a bit of encouragement, accountability, fresh ideas and inspiration. That is where I come in. I can help you get back on track and re-energized for your health.If you have noticed that I have been writing less here, it's because I have put myself back in school and am working on completing courses to receive a certification in holistic nutrition through The Nutrition School. I will be filling you in more on that upon completion, but until then I can tell you I have loved being immersed in the program! I have learned so much, so much of what I already knew has been reinforced, and it has gotten me so excited about the benefits nutrition can have on our bodies and our health. I am even more excited about sharing that knowledge.This new certification goes right along with the programs I have offered here and want to share with you again. If you need some online one on one coaching, check out Virtual Coaching. If you like a little refresher to your routine, check out my Refresh and Reboot program. I would love to help you get back on track and put your health and fitness goals back at the top of your list!Let's keep going strong during the winter months!Enjoy Your Day!