Recent Reads . . . and what I'm reading now
I do not consider time spent reading as idle time. Crawling up with a good book is not being lazy. I consider it part of a healthy lifestyle . . . at least for me it is. I consider it taking care of my mental health! I get so much out of a good book. I am entertained, informed and energized. As long as I gain something, whether it's a piece of history, a new story with new characters, a different outlook, a new way to see myself, a new recipe or health tip, or laughs and sheer enjoyment, I consider it time well spent and, not to sound too nerdy and dorky, good for the soul.I love sharing books, talking about books and finding new books to read. I typically have a book going on my Kindle, a hard book by my bed and one of my favorite things these days, an audio book on my phone through If you haven't tried it out, it's just the best!The other day, I decided to do an entire garage clean out simply because I needed something to do to continue listening to my book!Since I have not updated a reading list in a while, the list is a bit long! Here are some of my latest audio books still on my phone:
Whew! That's a bit of a list. You can see I will read (or listen) to a variety. Some of these were recommended to me, some I read reviews on and others I just happened upon. All of these are good and I would tell you they are all worth your time!The beauty of a Kindle is that when you can't remember the last books you read and the authors all you have to do is tap your finger and you have a running list. I love that! I am forever forgetting the name of a book and author, especially if it's someone new or unfamiliarSome of my recent Kindle reads are here:
And this is what I have going on right now:
There you have it. That's my most recent list. Surely there's something here that sparks your interest! If you don't make time to read because you feel guilty, think it's a waste of time or a guilty pleasure, I BEG you to rethink! Get your nose in a book and enjoy!What is on your list? What are your latest good reads? Have you read any of these? I'd love to have you chime in!Enjoy Your Day!