A New Playlist for the New Year . . .
One thing I love to do is make new playlists for my group fitnesses classes. It can be a lot of fun for me, but I always want to make the rest of the room that is out there sweating, working and looking for motivation happy, too. I like all sorts of music, old, new, pop, country, disco and even some oldies.Of course, what I listen to while driving my car is different to what I listen to while cooking dinner. What I listen to while doing yoga is different from what I listen to while doing cardio. That makes it fun to incorporate different genres to different classes. Sometimes I make really great playlists, and sometimes I can tell that some might fall a little flat. Hate it when that happens!I made a new playlist for my yoga classes this week and one for today's body sculpt class.I had several compliments on today's new playlist and questions about certain songs and artists. I usually try to incorporate new or different music at some point. Today's list is made up of new, old and really new songs. See what you think . . .I don't know about you, but music is one of the greatest motivators for a great workout. Heck, it's a great motivator for just about anything!We are under a winter storm advisory here. Schools closed, businesses closing, children home and I'm looking forward to holing up for some down time. Maybe I'll make a Snow Day Playlist . . .What music do you like to listen to while working out? Do you listen to different types depending on your activity? Do you share your playlists? I'd love some more inspiration!Stay Warm, Dry and Safe!Enjoy Your Day!