I have recently become a huge fan of resistance bands. Of course, I have been using them on and off for years and last year purchased a whole bunch to use in my group training classes. (that's how much I love my people!) I have also been known to sneak them into my suitcase for a little vacation workout. That being said, I think they are a sadly underused piece of exercise equipment. If you have poo pooed using them because you think they are too easy, aren't effective enough or that you are just too strong for a resistance band, I'm thinking you haven't given them a fair shot. They can be a great tool in your resistance training.They are so incredibly verstitile! Almost any move you can do with a dumbbell, you can do with a band. And bands come in different levels of resistance strength, so you definitely feel the burn if you have chosen the appropriate strength. It's the same as a dumbbell, you can go lighter or heavier, depending on your own ability and goals.In case you are a bit skeptical about using them to work the same muscles as you do with dumbbells, I have a little workout I used earlier in the week to really target and fire the muscles. We did back to back moves with one set being with dumbbells and the next targeting the same muscle group using resistance bands. Let me tell you, it works!I have this handy dandy wall set up in my workout area. I can attach different bands of different strengths at different heights depending on what we are doing. However, you can easily have your band attached to a doorknob, heavy table and for some exercises under your feet to hold the band in place.
Here is a sample of a great
Total Body Dumbell to Band Workout.
Warm Up for 5-10 minutes
- Dumbell Chest Fly to Band Chest Fly
- Dumbell Woodchop to Band Woodchop
- Dumbell Upright Row to CrissCross Upright Row
- Goblet Squat to Squat with Band
- Bicep Curl to Band Curls
- Side Plank to Standing Rotation with Band
- Tricep Extensions to Band Tricep Kickbacks
- Standing Hip Extensions to CrissCross and Walk with Band
- Single or Double Arm Row - to Single or Double Arm Row w/Band
- Plank to Band Crunches
Choose your dumbbell weight and number of reps for each set (12-15) and Repeat 3 Times Through. Stretch when Done!
Here are some images showing some of the exercises done with resistance bands so you can get the idea.
There you go. You have hit most of your muscle groups and have fatigued those muscles. Awesome and efficient! Let me know if you have any questions on any of these moves.Now, how do you like those bands? Have you worked out with resistance bands? Think they are awesome, too?Enjoy Your Day!