Weekly Meal Plans are Back
Rainy Monday morning here. I normally hate rainy Mondays . . . it's really easy to get a case of the blues. Due to the rain I've had a couple of things cancel leaving me with extra time. Staying busy with the extra time is a good thing and it's perfect for sharing some food stuff. First of all, here is my post workout meal. I'm munching as I type and it's so good you have to make your own this week.Saute a few sliced/chopped vegetables in a pan sprayed with coconut oil and add two eggs. A cup of black tea on the side. (My newest favorite thing. Not sure why it took me so long . . . ) The best thing about this is it will tide me over through lunch.
Eggs are such a go to food. They are always there in the fridge. Quick. Easy. And so healthy.
Since I'm on the topic of food I've got a couple of good meals planned for the week. Check them outto see if there is anything you might want to add to your week. I pulled out cookbook for a little inspiration. Black Bean Soup - This is one of our favorite Fall meals. It's thick, creamy and loaded with protein.Make it with a little kick or not.Whole Roasted Chicken with Vegetable Bolognese I have done this without the mascarpone cheese - because I forgot to get it- and it was still good! No one noticed a thing!The next meal is another inspired by the same cookbook, but called for grilled scallops. I switched the scallops out and purchased wild Alaskan Salmon instead. I'm looking forward to this one!Grilled Scallops/Salmon with Orange-Scented QuinoaI am a big believer in taking recipes and making them your own. They are out there for inspiration, ideas and to learn from. They do not have to be followed to a "T". Make them your own, depending on your time, your tastes, your family and what you have on hand!What's for dinner this week? How is your Monday? What do you think about rainy Mondays? Do they affect you or is it just another Monday?Enjoy Your Week!