What Really Bugs Me in the Fitness World
By this time of the week I normally would have posted my planned menu for the week. I've been doing that recently and have gotten great feedback - which I love! I want you to know I did make a meal plan for the week, but to be honest, it hasn't gone so well. So, it's not that I've been too lazy to post it, it's jus that nothing has really been THAT good enough to share. I've always said in this space that I'll be honest, and as far as recipes go, only share when it's considered a WINNER by the voters in my house. Well, sometimes I veto what my boys vote and share because I know when something is good and they just aren't smart enough to realize it yet. So there.Today I've decided to share something that has been stewing in my head for a while. It's something that just bugs me in this crazy social media, photo taking, selfie loving society we find ourselves in. I am coming completely clean here and being honest, even if it might offend some folks. But I am so very, very tired of seeing all these photos of folks posing in front of mirrors pulling up their tops or posing without a top, whether in their bathrooms or in the gym, showing off their stomachs. Don't get me wrong. I get it. These folks have abs. They have six packs, or even eight packs. I'm happy for them. I know how much dedication, discipline and hard work it takes to get that firm, muscled middle. And I will even confess that in my own bathroom, in complete privacy, except for maybe my pup Lu, I will lift my own top to see what the mid section looks like. That's always how I can gauge how I've been eating, drinking, working out - whether the belly is on the flatter end or on the dreaded other end of pouchy and bloated. I've had this annoying habit since highschool, because I've never been one of those blessed with a genetically, naturally flat stomach. So, I get wanting to check out the progress. I just don't get wanting to share that progress on every social media channel available.These photos do not do anything to inspire me. And I'm not searching for them, they seem to just pop up and invade my space. Maybe I'm just a prude. Because here's the other thing that bugs me, and I see it almost daily. Say I post something on my Instagram. Someone new likes it. I go check that person out and not only am completely bombarded with a million of the shirt lifted ab shots, but I also get all the girls posing turned around showing me their rear ends, with their shorts pulled up between their legs. Hmmm. That doesn't really inspire me either. Do we all need to see the pin up version of your workout attire? What am I supposed to do with that picture? It's not showing me a new workout move, new sculpting exercise for inspiration, or even offering any type of fitness motivation. I'm tired of having all these booty pics in my face. It's kind of like one night I was perusing Facebook, and BAM! out of nowhere, a naked Kim Kardashian rocked my world. Well, that just made me mad. I didn't ask to see her unnaturally oil slicked bottom and breasts popping a champagne bottle in the air. Gross. I feel the same thing with Instagram and fitness inspiration photos sometimes. It's just too much in the face.
Inspire me, yes. But don't be such a show off. I don't need to look at a bunch of half naked photos of abs and bottoms to get me to the gym. I'm actually okay with my own almost 50 year old body. It gets me where I need to go. It bikes, swims, walks, runs, lifts weights, performs yoga and body sculpting moves. Could it be improved? Well, of course! But, I'm also thinking that if I tried really hard, worked really, really hard, and ate or drank nothing fun for a while, maybe in a really dark room, with some pretty good photo shopping, and really good angles I might could get a photo of my abs or booty. Maybe. But I'm still thinking that's not what I need to do to inspire someone to live a healthy life.I'm hoping I can inspire by setting an example by what I do, my actions, my words of encouragement, my own habits. That is my hope, anyway.What about you? What bugs you in this social media world? Fitness world? What bugs you in the gym?Enjoy Your Day!