What's for Lunch? Make it Good . . . .
At the end of my classes I often tell the folks to eat something healthy and "no crappy lunches" - they've worked far too hard to go demolish it with a crappy lunch. I know, sometimes easier said than done. This is one of the easiest times to just "grab and go" from one thing to the next - regardless of whether you are leaving the office for a lunch break, eating at your desk, running out to grab carpool, or errands, or at home looking in the fridge for lunch.In a perfect world you want something healthy, with a mix of protein, good carbs and healthy fats to satisfy you, give you energy and keep you going throughout the afternoon. You definitely do not need a heavy carb loaded lunch that will leave you wanting to nap away the afternoon, tired and lethargic. Having a few "tried and true" things on hand that you can have at home, or pack for the car or office will save you time, money and leave you with the energy you need.This also goes for those hungry, food mongers that might now be in your house at the lunch time hour. You haven't had to worry about feeding these little, or big, beasts, as they have been eating their lunch at school or the lunch you have already sweated over and packed for them in the midst of the morning craziness.Now, you not only have to feed yourself but you have to make sure your offspring are fed something healthy. Life just is not fair.These are some of the things I have tried and turn to for lunch:
For the boys who are home for lunch we often resort to leftovers. My boys have never been huge sandwich kings. Maybe there were too many Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches in their early days. These days they have leftover meatball subs, flank steak, hamburgers, pot roast, any meat in the crockpot, panini sandwiches and, quite often, EGGS are a huge hit. I come home and can tell if the boys have been cooking for themselves because my sautee' pan is in the sink and I know eggs have been consumed. Also, I can always have hoagie rolls and sub sandwich "fix in's" and know they can take care of themselves.I try to NOT have this for them for lunch:
and this is NOT lunch
Lunch is your opportunity to make a good choice. I always tell folks to NOT have a crappy lunch! In fact, I've written an earlier post about this HERE. That's how important I think this is. And I gave some samples of good, filling, healthy lunches.If I am out and about one of my "fail safes" is from Starbucks. One of their Protein Lunch boxes is just perfect!
This day and age, most quick lunch places post their nutritional informations so choices are much easier to make. For example, at Subway, you can check out the nutritional info and make an informed order. The same at most other traditional fast food chains. Therefore, there are NO EXCUSES for eating a Crappy Lunch. It's up to you!What's for lunch at your house? What is your "go to" for a easy, healthy lunch? What do you feed your kids home for summer? Do you secretly dread feeding these masses all summer long?Enjoy Your Day!