Running Buddy News . . .
I was most pleasantly surprised the other day to get an email from The Running Buddy Company asking if I would like to be an Ambassador and partner with their company and in endorsing their products. Well, of course, I didn't have to think twice about it! I have been a fan of this up and coming company and loved this handy dandy little product!I've introduced it HERE and shared how much I liked it for running, walking and even for things like visiting amusement parks! I put The Running Buddy on my Favorite Things list for Christmas and have been known to give one or two away as gifts. Needless to say I love this product and was sharing about its awesomeness long before asked to be an Ambassador!
This is me about to go for a long walk. I've got my phone in The Running Buddy so I don't have to carry it. My hands can be free to hold onto the dogs' leashes, a water bottle or just to be free. I'm one of those folks that doesn't really like holding onto a phone or anything while I'm running, or even walking.
Since I've changed this site and my photos did not re-post where I originally shared about The Running Buddy, here are some photos so you can see what it is all about.
There is a water proof pouch to hold keys, phone, drivers license or what you need and a flap with a magnetic strip that attaches to the pouch so that it stays in place. The magnet does a great job in keeping the two pieces firmly together even while running. They come in a variety of colors and different sizes to fit your smartphone, keys or whatever you need to have with. This is one of those things I wish I had thought of myself!This is a great product to have on hand and also as a gift for a fitness friend. Check out their website at You can also follow them on their Facebook page, Pinterest and Instagram.Have you checked this out yet? What do you do with all your stuff while you walk, run or need to be hands free?*I have not been compensated for this post. I was sent a Running Buddy to try and review but the experiences and opinions are all mine.*ENJOY YOUR DAY!