Comparison . . .Don't let it be a Thief!
Teddy had it right on this one. How often have you compared yourself, your situation, your life, your children, job, home or anything else out there with another person? Heck, I've been know to compare my legs to another persons. At least for me, this sick little game never ends up very well. Chances are if I am holding something else or someone else up and comparing them to me then I'm probably going to come away from that comparison on the losing end.Let's face it, when do we ever compare ourselves to someone or something that we know we are ahead with? Uh, never. Because, first of all, that would just be really sick and mean spirited and, secondly, that's usually not the way of human nature. It's much more in our nature to tear our selves down. Don't ask me why. Don't ask me where it all began. I try to blame it all on Eve in some form or fashion. I think all things must come back to her! She's my all time favorite scapegoat. It's much easier to blame her than my own testy little insecurities.I think this is much more of a female thing than a man thing, don't you? I don't think there are any men out there comparing their legs to Angie Harmon's as she struts onto the set of Kelly and Michael. However, I have been witness to a little "gadget" comparison by the males in my life. The Husband used to always lose when he compared his gadgets with my brother. It was infuriating to him. He always used to say he got "out gadgeted" by my brother and then there was a mad scurry to do some quick online shopping or to the nearest store with that latest gadget.So, maybe this evil little game gets played by us all at some time. Thank heavens I have learned not to let this comparison thing steal my joy. If you've been around this site for any time you know I talk a lot about joy. Finding it, keeping it, sharing it and especially NOT allowing it to be stolen. I think I've come to that place in my old wise years of not allowing myself to get too worked up about my own shortcomings because I have finally realized we all are so very different. We all have great gifts, talents, circumstances, life experiences and life events that are all as different as our hair, eye color, body type and leg length. There really isn't a perfect person or situation, regardless of how it may look on the outside.
This is my newest candle in my office. It's a wonderful reminder for me to remember what is really important and what I should always be doing. Besides, so what if Angie Harmon's legs are gorgeously 9 feet long.
And, yep they are. And while we are at it, Kelly's aren't chicken liver either. But enough! I am comforted by the fact that neither of these ladies has this cute thing snuggled up with them right now!
So, it's all okay. I'll find my joy in a little furry creature and continue to simply Be Thankful. What is your comparison game? Or have you, hopefully, outgrown it? What helps you find joy? Helps you be thankful? Helps you get through the bitter cold winter days?Enjoy Your Day!