Jumping Right in on the Dr. Oz Program . . . and a way to bypass the ClassPass Wait List!

It is a dreary, gray day here in Atlanta.  Days like today are why I am not a fan of this time of year.  However, it's the perfect day to sip and eat some warm things.  As promised, I began Dr. Oz's Total Rapid Weight Loss Program today.  I some members of my Fit in 50(minutes!) Bootcamp joining in on the fun.  So far today is going well.  I can say that with lots of energy and optimism as it's only 1:30 pm!I began my day with my one cup of coffee and was completely fine without the second cup.  Glad to have that monkey off my back as I usually LOVE that second cup!  I had my usual (and Dr. Oz approved) smoothie this morning.  I drank half on the way to teach class and finished the other half afterwards.  Back at home I warmed up with some hot water with lemon and made a big batch of vegetable broth before running out to teach another class.

I sipped about half a cup of the broth after the second class to tie me over for lunch.  I must say it is quite tasty, and the perfect warm and soothing thing to sip on a day like today.  For lunch I measured out 4 oz of shredded chicken to add to my salad.  I'm all for the protein!

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Here is the recipe for the Vegetable Broth is you care to make it at home.  In a pinch you can sip on Low Sodium Vegetable from the grocery, too.  This is considered the glue to the whole plan.  This vegetable packed broth is to help us get through the day between snacks and meals.  The goal is to NOT be hungry!

Total 10 Vegetable BrothIngredients1 gallon water1 large onion, chopped1 cup winter squash cut into large cubes1 cup root vegetables such as turnips, parsnips and rutabaga cut into large cubes2 cups chopped greens such as kale, parsley, beet greens, collard greens, chard and dandelion2 celery stalks1/2 cup cabbage4 1/2-inch slices of ginger2 whole garlic clovessea salt to tasteDirectionsCombine all the ingredients in a stockpot and heat at a low boil for approximately 60 minutes.Cool, strain (throw out the cooked vegetables) and store in a large, tightly sealed glass container in the fridge.Heat gently and drink up to 3 to 4 cups a day.So, if you are jumping on this plan with me, let me know how you are doing!  Let me know what you like and what you don't like.  Check out my Marla-Deen-Fit Facebook page and Instagram for updates, too!  Also, if you read my post about ClassPass coming to Atlanta and have tried to use it and found yourself on a waiting list - I have a link to let you bypass the wait list!  Yoohoo!!  Click HERE for the link!  Give me your feedback!  I'd love to include your own experiences in my RECAP!Happy, Healthy Monday!Signaturephoto copy 5 
